06 86 33 36 06 marie.rapin@axessdev.com

Our News

New option – Horizon Europe Program

New option – Horizon Europe Program

Have you heard about this new calculation option under the Horizon Europe program? Find the key elements below! If this new option interests you and you would like to know more, contact us for support...

1000 goods !

1000 goods !

We have just exceeded 1000 subscribers to our Axess Développement page, 1000 times more interactions and collaborations possible 👍. We thank you for your sharing and support ⭐. Thank you 1000 times and 1000 times thank you! Finally 1000...

Training on European funding – Pollen system

Training on European funding – Pollen system

📢Our consultant Mario Morali was in Toulouse to lead training on European funding for structures involved in the Occitanie Active Pollen system. 📩 If you too would like to benefit from training or...

Support for research, development and innovation projects in SMEs

Support for research, development and innovation projects in SMEs

📢The South Region has just published a new call for projects on the theme of research & innovation. We have prepared a summary sheet for you of all the information you need to know about this call: 🎯 This call is aimed at microphones, small...

First call for proposals from the interreg NEXT MED program

First call for proposals from the interreg NEXT MED program

The NEXT MED Program will soon open its first call for projects! On this occasion, we offer you a first overview of the terms of this call. This program aims to address common Mediterranean challenges, through the financing of cooperation projects...

Axess Développement celebrated its 10th anniversary last Thursday!

Axess Développement celebrated its 10th anniversary last Thursday!

10 years of business, 10 years of doing everything possible to offer the best to our customers, 10 years of surpassing yourself and contributing to your successes. ✨ This evening was an opportunity to share our joy and our successes in terms of national funding and...

Recap AAP Alpine Solid Wood

Recap AAP Alpine Solid Wood

The services of L’Europe s’engage en Région Sud have published a call for projects from the ERDF Massif Alpin component on the development of the certified offer of alpine timber. Also, we have prepared a summary of this new call for you!

Opening of ERDF-ESF+ calls

Opening of ERDF-ESF+ calls

The website of L'Europe s'engage en Région Sud has updated its calendar of ERDF-ESF+ calls to be published for this end of the year and for the year 2023

Business is in the meadow

Business is in the meadow

On September 8, 2022, Axess development was present at the Business is in the Pre event

Support Setting up and management of innovative projects

Axess Développement is a human-sized firm specializing in technical support for obtaining and managing public and European funds. Our consulting firm has 7 employees, it is based in the heart of the Arbois technology park in Aix en Provence....

Greenhouse Gas Report 2021

Greenhouse Gas Report 2021

Axess Développement carried out the first assessment of its carbon emissions with Greenly.

Permanent position to be filled

“Consultant arranging and managing national and European funding”
Axess Développement is a firm on a human scale, dynamic and expert in financing innovation through research, setting up and management of national and European public funding.

Recovery plan - measure to preserve R&D employment

📢 As part of the “France recovery” plan, the ANR helps preserve R&D jobs to support the employment of young graduates and strengthen links between public and private research through staff mobility, thanks to aid going...

News on REACT-UE, an agreement found!

News on REACT-UE, an agreement reached! 47.5 billion euros at stake! Eligible expenses from February 1, 2020, projects selected for support until the end of 2023! All the details...

Axess Développement receives the OPQCM qualification

What does this label correspond to? The OPQCM, Professional Office for the Qualification of Management Consulting is an independent organization, recognized by the State, whose mission is to issue consulting firms with a professional qualification certificate, in ...

Presentation of ADEME Investissement

Find here the presentation of ADEME Investissement, an action resulting from the 3rd part of the Future Investment Program (PIA), for innovative “first commercial” infrastructure projects in the ecological and energy transition sector. Axess...

Call for proposals Boosting the EU's green recovery

The first call for proposals for the 2020-2030 EU Innovation Fund has been published. This involves supporting demonstration projects of highly innovative technologies, processes or products, sufficiently mature and with significant potential for ...

Support plan for the aeronautical sector

On June 9, the Government unveiled its Support Plan for the aeronautics sector heavily impacted by the COVID19 crisis. 🤔 What measures are put in place by this plan? ✔️ The development of financial support mechanisms for ...

2020-2030 Innovation Fund

It's official ! The European Commission’s Executive Agency for Innovation and Networks (INEA) will implement the 2020-2030 Innovation Fund.

Support plan for aeronautics in the South Region

The aeronautics and space industry represents the leading industrial sector in the Southern Region.
The Aeronautics Support Plan, presented by the Government on June 9, is therefore excellent news

New EAC call for proposals European youth together

DG EAC is launching a new call for proposals whose objective is to support the organization of events (conferences, seminars, etc.) which encourage meetings between young people and political decision-makers to debate social issues. Deadline: July 28...

New CNET call for proposals Pilot project - European public sphere: a new online media offer for young Europeans

DG CNET is launching a new call for proposals, the objective of which is to promote the production of European content on current affairs, intended for young people, allowing them to process information in a critical and autonomous manner, thus aiming to fight against fake news. This call for projects will concern a consortium of at least 5 media organizations, from 5 different countries.

New call for proposals EAC Support and supervision through sport of young people exposed to the risk of radicalization

DG EAC is launching a new call for proposals whose objective is to support projects organized by sports organizations and federations in cooperation with public authorities (including municipalities), local stakeholders and civil society, which prevent radicalization, in particular by helping young people exposed to the risk of exclusion and radicalization to better integrate into the society in which they live.

European Commission recovery plan proposal: Next Generation EU

The European Commission presented yesterday its recovery plan proposal with: its adjusted work program for 2020 the creation of a new instrument: Next Generation EU This instrument will have an envelope of 750 billion euros as well as. ..

Appels European Green Deal

The European Commission is asking you to contribute to the definition of the European Green Deal calls through a public consultation available until June 3.

Membership in the Metropolitan Business Act offered

As part of the takeover, the Aix-Marseille-Provence CCI offers membership to the Metropolitan Business Act until January 2021 to BtoB companies established in the territory of the Aix-Marseille-Provence metropolis. You thus join a phygital community...

New Call for Projects RA-COVID-19

The National Research Agency (ANR) is launching a new call for projects for Research-Action type projects to quickly support the scientific communities mobilized on COVID-19.

Calls for LIFE 2020 projects

The calls for projects for the European LIFE program are open! This financial instrument aims to support projects in the areas of environment and climate action.

Launch of Wave 5 of the "I-Nov" Innovation Competition

The new wave of "Innovation Competition - i-Nov" call for projects is open! This support system funded by the Future Investments Program (PIA) aims to select innovation projects with particularly strong potential for the French economy.

New EUREKA call for projects

Research and innovation projects aimed at providing short and medium term responses to the specific needs of COVID-19.


For very small businesses, assistance of € 3,000 to € 10,000 from the Southern Region is possible to cover the drop in activity linked to COVID-19.

EDIDP calls for European projects are launched.

The European Defense Industrial Development Program aims to support the competitiveness and capacity of the EU defense industry. SMEs are now eligible. We can help you answer.

Business support schemes

Marie RAPIN, President of the firm, and Emeline BOISSON, her partner, presented the business aid schemes implemented by European, national and regional institutions to those involved in the Technopôle de l’Arbois.

EIC ACCELERATOR - Covid 19: Next deadline May 19, 2020

The next wave of calls for projects dedicated to start-ups and SMEs with technologies and innovations closes on May 19, 2020.
European aid from €500K to €2.5M and representing a maximum of 70% of the total cost of your project.

Covid-19: What support for your business?

The Ministry of Economy and Finance has reported a number of measures to help businesses and independent face the crisis of Covid-19 and its impact on the economy.

Best wishes !

The Axess Développement team presents…

Marie Sklodowska Curie Program – Horizon 2020

You are a researcher, post doctoral student, doctoral student, and are leading a research project or you represent a network of researchers, a research organization, academic or not, and are seeking funding to help researchers boost their careers, accelerate their European mobility, transregional or acquire new specific knowledge?

Murex Festival

Murex Festival

Axess Développement is present at a trade fair in Toulon, the Murex Festival.

Happy Europe Month

Like every year from May 1 to 31, Joli Europe Month takes place on the occasion of the anniversary of the Schuman Declaration of May 9, 1950.

F2I recap sheet

Are you an organization of general interest and are you carrying out or imagining an innovation project for the benefit of PMI?

New call for projects “Innovation projects!” »

New ! BPI France and the Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur Region are launching a new call for projects “Innovation projects!” » as part of the future investments program (PIA 3) Are you an SME and are you engaged in an R&D process? Your project...

Funded projects

Have your projects been financed or can be financed by the European Regional Economic Development Fund of Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur? Some ideas on the link below: the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Region has published the projects supported by...

European Waste Reduction Week 2016

Registrations for European Waste Reduction Week (EWR) 2016, which takes place from 19 to 27 November, are open until 10 November only. Administrations and communities, associations, educational establishments and the general public: register...

New call for FEDER projects opened by the Occitanie region

The Occitanie region, as management authority, has opened a new call for FEDER projects entitled “Collective H2O water cycle company projects – 2016”. The call for projects targets companies with head offices in the former Languedoc-Roussillon. Check out...

France, second most innovative European country!

The creation of the French Tech label in 2014 and the establishment of an innovation support ecosystem by the French government tend to demonstrate that our country remains more than ever in the race for innovation. As proof, during CES 2015, 190 stratups present in Las Vegas were French! However, despite these major efforts, France ranks sixth in terms of patent filings globally, and second at the European level. What are its strengths and weaknesses vis-à-vis its European neighbor? What are the most innovative sectors in Europe in 2015?

In May, let’s celebrate Europe Month together!

In May, let’s celebrate Europe Month together! Now is the time to remind you that Europe supports you on a daily basis by financing your innovative projects! Do not hesitate to contact us to discuss with our consultants specializing in European funds and study...

Opening of the 2nd INTERREG EUROPE call for projects

The “INTERREG Europe 2014-2020” program aims to improve both the implementation of regional ERDF/ESF OPs, European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) programs as well as public policies piloted by local authorities by...