Vous êtes un organisme d’intérêt général et vous portez ou imaginez un projet d’innovation au profit de PMI ? Le Fonds de dotation de l’UIMM (F2I) peut vous aider à financer vos Projets d’innovations techniques, technologiques, organisationnelles, d’usage ou de...
New ! BPI France and the Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur Region are launching a new call for projects “Innovation projects!” » as part of the future investments program (PIA 3) Are you an SME and are you engaged in an R&D process? Your project...
You are an ESS company and you wish to: • develop a social innovation project that creates jobs • establish partnerships with traditional companies in favor of the professional integration of people far from employment • measure the impact...
Are you an SME and you have an innovative project of global scope? This project is part of the fields of Digital, health, Security, French Fab, or even sustainable mobility, innovative agriculture, renewable energies or...
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