06 86 33 36 06 marie.rapin@axessdev.com

Axess Développement celebrated its 10th anniversary last Thursday!

10 years of business, 10 years of doing everything possible to offer the best to our customers, 10 years of surpassing yourself and contributing to your successes. ✨

This evening was an opportunity to share our joy and our successes in terms of national and European funding and in support of cluster management 🥳 We are proud to have successfully supported more than 250 projects set up, 240 managed and a rate success rate of more than 85% during this decade. 🏆

It was also an opportunity to say thank you to our employees, partners and customers; to the first who believed in us and to all the others who placed their trust in us. YOU have contributed to our success. 🎁
Happy birthday to each of you, because this candle is also yours!

Thank you again to everyone who participated in the success of this wonderful evening.

The @Axess development team
Greta Maria Gandini, Mario Morali, Marine Blanloeuil, Florian Lachazette, Hatim EL HAJAM, Marie rapin

#company #10 years #Memorable Evening #Axessdeveloppement #thecamp #Europe #Financing #Advice