06 86 33 36 06 marie.rapin@axessdev.com

New call for FEDER projects opened by the Occitanie region

The Occitanie region, as management authority, has opened a new call for FEDER projects entitled “Collective H2O water cycle company projects – 2016”. The call for projects targets companies with head offices in the former Languedoc-Roussillon. Check out...

France, second most innovative European country!

http://innovationweek.org/france/2016/04/14/la-france-deuxieme-pays-europeen-le-plus-innovant/ La création du label French Tech en 2014 et la mise en place d’un écosystème d’aide à l’innovation par le gouvernement français tendent à démontrer que notre pays reste plus...

In May, let’s celebrate Europe Month together!

In May, let’s celebrate Europe Month together! Now is the time to remind you that Europe supports you on a daily basis by financing your innovative projects! Do not hesitate to contact us to discuss with our consultants specializing in European funds and study...

Opening of the 2nd INTERREG EUROPE call for projects

The “INTERREG Europe 2014-2020” program aims to improve both the implementation of regional ERDF/ESF OPs, European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) programs as well as public policies piloted by local authorities by...