Covid-19: What support for your business?
The Ministry of Economy and Finance has reported a number of measures to help businesses and independent face the crisis of Covid-19 and its impact on the economy.
The Axess Development firm brings you some light on the solutions:
Calls for projects
Social and fiscal charges
European funding
Public markets
regional funding
Calls for Entries
dedicated to projects calls are multiplying for financing innovations fight against coronavirus.
Structuring research and development projects for competitiveness (PSCP) – COVID-19
Deadline: September 30, 2020 at 12 p.m.
What type of help? Subsidies and advances recoverable based on project risks. Financing rate adjustable according to the types of beneficiaries Expenditure base between €4M and €50M.
For who ? At least one company and one research actor carrying out a mission of general interest.
Goal : In the emergency context, the Government has decided to launch a call for Structuring Projects for Competitiveness specific to the COVID-19 health crisis. This program aims to support structuring collaborative research and development projects aimed at developing therapeutic solutions with preventive or curative purposes against COVID-19.
BPI France – PSPC – Projects from 4 to 50M€
Deadline: September 30, 2020 at 12 p.m.
Goal : Support structuring collaborative research and development projects aimed at developing therapeutic solutions with preventive or curative purposes against COVID-19.
All therapeutic strategies are eligible (vaccines, antivirals, mixed, etc.) as well as all technologies (chemistry, biotechnology, artificial intelligence and exploitation of massive data or medical devices if relevant).
These must be collaborative projects (partnerships made up of industrialists and research organizations) which may include industrial research phases and experimental development phases.
Deadline October 28, 2020
What type ofaide ? Subsidy between € 15,000 and € 150,000
For who ? All legal forms as soon as the entity, endowed with legal personality, has the main mission of research, and / or dissemination of knowledge and / or data management.
Goal : quickly support the scientific communities mobilized on COVID-19 in a Research-Action context through priority research work that requires immediate funding.
What kind of help: business loan between € 3,000 and € 10,000
For who : any type of business (traditional business and social and solidarity economy):
- whose head office is in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region,
- autonomous within the meaning of European regulations,
- up to 20 employees,
- experiencing a drop in activity of at least 30% or cash flow needs impacting the viability of the company linked to the health crisis and administrative closure and/or confinement measures.
For more information, click here
European finance:
Over 90 BILLION € planned
General provisions
- Reallocation of € 37 billion of Structural Funds not consumed on the 2014-2020 program at European level and € 292 million paid for France,
- Addition of 28 billion additional emergency aid on structural funds at European level (no information yet on the French allocation, but the cabinet is on standby on the subject),
- European Investment Bank Loans: 8 billion euros of loans mobilized (for 100,000 businesses) and an additional 20 billion envisaged (150 000 companies)
European Investment Fund (EIF): 1 billion made available for direct support to RDI and industries - 47,5M € of additional funding for H2020 funds for research organizations and universities for the development of vaccines, new treatments, tests to diagnose the disease and medical systems to prevent the spread of the disease.
-> The total is an overall envelope dedicated to the emergency of more than 90 billion € allocated by the EU
Structural Funds and solidarity: reorganization facing the crisis of Covid-19
Financing provided ERDF:
- infrastructure, equipment, investments in health systems to deal with the health crisis
- supporting the working capital needs of SMEs
Financing provided in the ESF:
- the personnel and equipment of health services needs
- prevention actions and public awareness
- maintain jobs in companies
- digitalization training
- aid to teleworking parents who keep their children
- workers made redundant because of closures imposed by governments, or due to interruptions
- certain products supply
- aid to public authorities responsible for enforcement of containment guidelines.
Financing provided by the Solidarity Fund:
- broadening the thematic scope of action to cover major crisis situations resulting from threats to public health
- increase in the amount of advances to 25% of the expected contribution of the EUSF limited to a maximum of 100 million euros.
European Investment Fund:
- specific support for companies in the field of RDI and industry through Financial Instruments (1 billion euros) with two specific programs (COSME and InnoVfin).
- The EIF will thus be able to issue special guarantees to encourage banks and other lenders to provide liquidity to at least 100,000 SMEs affected by the economic impact of the pandemic, for available financing estimated at 8 billion euros. The money can be paid to SMEs from April.
H2020: new calls for projects to respond to the crisis
- Temporary working capital support for SMEs and facilitation of investments for companies responding directly to the health crisis: ERDF and Financial Instruments
- Funding for response capacities to the COVID-19 epidemic retroactive since February 1, 2020
- Broadening the thematic field of intervention and increasing the amount of 25% subsidy advances: Solidarity Fund
300 billion euros of bank loan guarantee by the State via BPI France
State guarantee up to 90% of loans refinancing and can finance up to 25% of the turnover of 2019 companies, or two years of payroll for innovative enterprises created or since 1 January 2019. All types of structures of economic activity (legal and natural persons) are eligible. No refunds will be required the first year; the company may choose to amortize the loan over a maximum period of five years. Depending on your size (SME or Major Groups ETI) two solicitation procedures are implemented by BPI.
€500 million in repayable advances from the State for SMEs which have not been able to find a State-guaranteed loan and which need cash to restart.
Since May 7, the State has expanded the target eligible for the PGE: companies in difficulty after January 1 are now eligible for the system.
The EMP Innovation Support extended to “young innovative companies”
The objective of the Innovation Support PGE is to consolidate the cash flow of innovative startups, SMEs and mid-cap companies with less than 5,000 employees whose turnover is less than 1.5 billion euros and who are encountering economic difficulties linked to the COVID health crisis. -19.
From now on, “young innovative companies” can benefit from it! This tax status corresponds to companies that meet the following criteria:
- Being an SME -
- Have less than 8 years of existence -
- To be independent -
– Carry out R&D expenses of at least 15% of tax-deductible expenses for this financial year –
Negotiation support:
Banque de France and Mediators to help you negotiate a bank loan with your establishment
Spreading of current bank loans to be negotiated with the bank
The banks have undertaken, free of charge, to postpone loan deadlines by 6 months.
BPI offers rescheduling of its clients' loan repayments, including leasing
Economic development fund: envelope of €1 billion to support mid-sized businesses with a direct loan from the State
The amount of the special allocation account of the state participation agency is increased to € 20 billion to be able to provide capital to strategic companies
A BPI France toll-free number available: 0 969 310 240
Partial unemployment
What guarantees?
Coverage of employees up to 84% of their net salary and up to 4.5x the amount of the minimum wage. The company that wants to make the supplement can do so and will be subject to a charge on the remaining 16%.
Who must make the declaration?
It is the employer who must take care of it within 30 days of the decline in activity (retroactive effect)
Eligibility rules?
The following links explain the procedures for validating partial unemployment:
Comment ?
Directly on the following government website:
Time limit ?
The response from the DGT comes in less than 48 hours compared to 15 days usually
The ASP pays the allowance to the company within an average of 12 days.
Note that before moving to partial unemployment, the order of March 25, 2020 allows employers to modify employees' leave dates, to impose up to 6 working days of leave (subject to an internal agreement or branch). Companies can impose up to 10 additional days of leave (including RTT and time savings account) in the event of justified economic difficulties.
💡 In the event of prolonged under-activity, or even a complete cessation of activity, companies can request to benefit from FNE-Training in addition to partial activity in order to invest in the skills of employees.
Ordinance No. 2020-385 of April 1, 2020 amending the deadline and conditions for payment of the exceptional purchasing power bonus was published in the Official Journal of April 2, 2020. This ordinance allows:
- Postponement of the maximum premium payment date to August 31, 2020
- The abolition of the obligation of the incentive agreement
- 1000 € for companies without interest agreement
- € 2,000 for companies with an interest-sharing agreement on the date of payment of the premium
- Signing of a profit-sharing agreement possible until 08/31/2020
- Additional beneficiaries: employees and temporary workers who are in the workforce on the date of filing the company agreement or signing of the unilateral decision of the employer
- New case of premium modulation: working conditions linked to Covid-19
Concerning vocational training for employees, work-study students and people looking for work, the new organizational methods following the country's health situation are described in the government's question / answer (organization of training, face-to-face verification, certification, applicants employment, etc.)
For more information, click here
For more information, click here
Concerning vocational training for employees, work-study students and people looking for work, the new organizational methods following the country's health situation are described in the government's question / answer (organization of training, face-to-face verification, certification, applicants employment, etc.)
The economic impact of the upcoming COVID19 requires considering the recovery and return of your employees, new training needs may emerge.
Our team is on standby to bring you further information on this topic.
On the insurance side, almost all company contracts exclude the event of an epidemic from their clauses.
Indeed, business interruption guarantees, for example, cover financial losses due to the shutdown of activity following a disaster that caused material damage (flooding for example) and not an epidemic.
For more information, click here
In the event of late payment for companies in difficulty, retention of contracts as guarantees (during the confinement period)
It should be noted that the insurance companies have contributed to the solidarity fund up to 200k €.
Airline tickets during the COVID crisis for your canceled trips: establishment of credit notes for trips canceled during or because of the epidemic. The credits made are valid for 18 months. If they cannot be used, customers can request a refund in cash after 18 months at the end of the validity period.
public markets
State commitment to pay suppliers to public administrations within 20 days maximum
NB: A system from the Ministry of the Armed Forces (MINARM) to support defense SMEs has been launched. The priority objective is to help businesses by relieving them, particularly on cash flow issues. These companies must be in direct and indirect link (armament subcontractors) with MINARM.
To access it:
As well as a toll-free number: 0 800 027 127
Commitment of communities to pay their suppliers within 21 days maximum
No penalty will be applied in the event of a delay linked to COVID 19
(recognized as a case of force majeure by the State)
SOUTH Region funding:
In response to the Covid 19 crisis, the Southern Region and the Banque des Territoires launched the Covid Resistance Fund, operated by Initiative Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur and which is part of the measures taken in the plan to emergency, solidarity and regional recovery.
- Help companies that have taken emergency measures to bounce back and prepare for a recovery of their activity and turnover.
- Provide a complementary response to the Solidarity Fund for which the Southern Region is contributing up to 36 M €.
- 37 M€ to date (including 20 M € by the Region and the Banque des Territoires)
- Based on a contribution from each of the communities in the South Region of 2 euros per inhabitant, the amount available could reach 40 M€
- Business loan, at zero interest, between €3,000 and €10,000
- For investment projects aimed at limiting the economic impact of the coronavirus
- Without compulsory additional contribution
- Possibility of deferred repayment of up to 18 months
- Maximum repayment period of 5 years
- Any status – independent, legal entities (companies, associations, cooperatives) developing an economic activity
- Any sector of activity excluding agricultural businesses directly handled by the regional agricultural fund
Headquarters in the South Region
Autonomous within the meaning of European regulations
Up to 20 employees
Make this request for your main activity
Be up to date with your tax and social security contributions as of 12/31/19
Not be in a banking ban situation
Not be subject to judicial liquidation proceedings, safeguard plan proceedings or reorganization proceedings
a decrease in activity of at least 30% or cash flow requirements impacting the viability of the company linked to the health crisis and administrative closure and / or containment measures.
Eligibility: companies which have suffered a drop in turnover of -30% from the date of submission of the application will be able to benefit from a loan between €20k and €50k with a free deferral of 18 months: €5M
€36 million: Region’s participation in the National Solidarity Fund
€18 million injected into the economy thanks to the establishment of a Rebond loan with the Bpi for VSEs/SMEs: zero-interest loan, from €10,000 to €300,000, for all companies over one year of existence, any sector of activity (except agricultural sector).
€10 million bank guarantee with Région Sud Garantie: intended for all VSEs and SMEs from 0 to 250 employees, in all sectors of activity, making it possible to guarantee bank loans from €1,000 to €1.8 million up to 80% (legal maximum)
€ 5 million with Région Sud Défensif: a subsidy or a repayable advance to support companies encountering economic difficulties but wishing to invest massively to anchor their activity and rebound.
€ 2 million reserved for supporting companies in difficulty: "My business plan" will be reoriented for the coming months in order to support companies in emergency situations towards the implementation of a rescue plan.
€ 5 million specifically dedicated to farmers: support for farms justifying a loss of income of at least 50% of their turnover.
Start-ups, VSEs and Independents
Solidarity fund:
Use of the solidarity fund for individuals (self-employed workers, artist-authors, etc.) and legal entities under private law (companies, associations, etc.) carrying out an economic activity and who meet the following conditions:
• Start of activity before February 1, 2020
• Not having filed a cessation of payment declaration as of March 1, 2020
• Have a workforce of less than or equal to 10 employees
• Having achieved a turnover excluding tax during the last closed financial year of less than €1M
• Have a taxable profit for the last closed financial year of less than €60k
• Have either been subject to an administrative ban on welcoming the public between March 1 and 31, 2020, or have suffered a loss of turnover greater than 50% during this period compared to the previous year
Entrepreneurs not previously eligible are now eligible: farmers in groups, companies in difficulty/governance, collaborating spouses, etc.
In this case you can claim the aid below:
• €1,500 paid at the beginning of April (proportional to the loss of turnover over the last 12 months of 2019, if we lost €800, we recover €800)
• Additional aid of €5,000 on a case-by-case basis if the €1,500 is not sufficient (possible from the week of March 30, 2020).
Conditions : be a self-employed or self-employed worker, self-employed manager of a small business with less than €1 million in turnover, and having suffered a loss of turnover of at least 50% in April 2020 compared to April 2020 or compared to the average monthly turnover in 2019.
The request for assistance of € 1,500 must be made electronically, no later than April 30, on the site, and must be accompanied by the following supporting documents:
• Declaration of honor attesting that the company meets the conditions to benefit from it, the accuracy of the information declared as well as the regularity of its tax and social situation as of March 1, 2020
• Estimate of the amount of turnover loss
• Company bank details
For the request for additional flat-rate assistance of € 2,000, additional conditions are added:
• Have at least 1 employee
• Finding yourself unable to pay your debts within thirty days
• Have had a request for a cash loan of a reasonable amount made since March 1, 2020, refused
This request for additional assistance must be made electronically, no later than May 31 from the Regional Council service. It must be accompanied by the following supporting documents:
• Declaration on honor attesting that the company meets the conditions to claim it and the accuracy of the information declared
• Brief description of its situation, accompanied by a thirty-day cash flow plan, demonstrating the risk of cessation of payments
• Amount of loan refused, the name of the bank that refused it and the contact details of their contact at this bank
Updated April 16:
Second part of the solidarity fund:
Aid of between €2000 and €5000, for this you must meet the following criteria:
1. Have benefited from component 1 of the National Solidarity Fund
2. Employ, as of March 1, 2020, at least one employee on an indefinite or fixed-term contract
3. Prove a negative balance between, on the one hand, their available assets and, on the other hand, their debts due within thirty days and the amount of their fixed charges, including commercial or professional rents, due to title of the months of March and April 2020
4. Having requested a cash loan of a reasonable amount since March 1, 2020 from a bank of which they were a client on that date and having seen this request refused by the bank or remaining unanswered after a period of ten days.
The amount paid varies depending on the turnover of the company:
- < 200k€ = 2000€
- Between €200k and €600k = €3500
- > 600k€ = 5000€
The South Region participates in the National Solidarity Fund to the tune of 36 million euros
For more information, click here
The Solidarity Fund in a few figures:
Since April 1, the Solidarity Fund has made it possible to grant €1.32 billion in aid to 990,000 beneficiaries. You can consult the dashboard which gives you access to all the aid provided by sector, by region and by department by clicking here.
Help for Start-ups with their cash flow:
Nearly 4 billion euros from which start-ups will benefit for their cash flow:
Financing bridges between fundraising (PIA envelope – managed by BPI France)
State-guaranteed cash flow loans with specific criteria for start-ups (BPI France)
Accelerated payment of the 2019 CIR and innovation aid (DGFiP)
PIA innovation aid already allocated but not yet paid will be paid accelerated for an estimated total amount of 250 million euros.
Other help?
Freezing of payments for current charges: energy, water, gas: the order of March 25 provides for very small businesses the possibility of staggering the payment of invoices after the crisis, of prohibiting cuts in the event of non-payment or the application of financial penalties (in the event of refusal to pay instalments, you should call the BPI crisis unit:
04 91 39 34 80
Beneficiaries of the deferral of invoices for current charges: companies eligible for the Solidarity Fund or which continue their activity within the framework of a safeguard procedure, judicial recovery or judicial liquidation.
Provisions set out in the order of March 25, 2020 have also been put in place on issues of closing and validation of accounts: obligation to close accounts extended by 2 months, validation of accounts extended by 3 months.
A geolocation platform for businesses open during the crisis has opened in Bouches du Rhône
Spreading of rent payments:
- Automatic suspension of rents in shopping centers and for members of signatory landlord federations,
- For other commercial premises: the main federation of lessors have called on their members for companies suffering a business interruption imposed by the crisis to make an effort on rents (suspension of payment from April requested),
- For VSEs eligible for the solidarity fund (assistance of € 1,500): no financial penalty in the event of non-payment (ordinance of March 25, 2020).
Banks and bank loans in progress:
- To be negotiated directly with your bank (or the structure which issued the financing),
- For zero-interest loans, deferral of payment of maturities is automatic,
- Banks can grant up to 6 months of suspension,
- Banks will not charge penalties, there will be no additional costs for deferring deadlines.
uncapping state aid
Activation of the “general derogation clause” of the Stability and Growth Pact:
Goal : allow States to derogate from their budgetary obligations in order to coordinate their national budgetary policies and avoid the appearance of excessive public deficits. Authorization was given on March 23, 2020, to the 27 member states to initiate a cycle of public spending to fight the COVID-19 pandemic without European pressure.
Calls for projects
Social and fiscal charges
European funding
Partial unemployment
Public markets
regional funding