06 86 33 36 06 marie.rapin@axessdev.com



“Capenergies is supported by Axess Développement in the management of the association and also for the management and monitoring of several European projects.
The firm is appreciated for the quality and relevance of its recommendations, the availability of its teams and the speed with which it responds to requests. »

Thierry LACROIX, General Secretary – CapEnergies

“Axess is both a high-level consulting firm with a very good quality of customer relationship. The positive points are the proximity, the trust, but also the reactivity with a team (regardless of the person to whom we are speaking) who knows how to react very quickly in the face of an emergency situation. It is therefore a partner on whom we know we can count in case of difficulties or tight deadlines without a doubt.
Furthermore, I can underline the very good level of monitoring carried out by Axess on behalf of its customers without contractual obligation, which shows their commitment and professionalism.
The human qualities of the employees and the manager are also important assets in the quality of work and loyalty. »

Emilie ROYERE, Managing Director – Eurobiomed

“As part of the submission of an innovation project (Innovation competition) in the field of earth observation, we were supported by the consulting firm “Axess Développement”. We were able to appreciate the professionalism and competence of the consultants, who were able to guide us on various aspects: a good knowledge of the procedures, the improvement of the presentation of the project, identifying the financial or commercial weak points and finally preparing the written sessions and oral submission. The project was crowned with success, a success that we owe in part to them. »

Michel BENET, President - Diginove

“Very good support from AXESS Développement with INRAE”

Laurent PEYRAS, Project Director – INRAE

External Administrative and Financial Management

European projects engineering and management

Our classic missions:

  • Financial engineering and management
  • Finance management
  • Management of public funding
  • Accounting assistance
  • Engineering of specific projects
  • Monitoring and analysis of new regulations (aid schemes, orders, etc.)
Our specific missions:

  • Business model optimization
  • Support for the merger of associations (competitiveness clusters)
  • Engineering of efficient self-financing solutions
  • Banking relationship and financing tools
Our missions:

  • Financial engineering and management
  • Engineering of specific projects
  • Business model support
  • Monitoring and analysis of new regulations (aid schemes, orders, etc.)
  • Working groups economic model and evolution of the poles
  • Participation in setting up innovative collaborative projects - Investments for the future
  • Reflection and implementation of private management process
  • Reflection on self-financing solutions (creation of a subsidiary, foundation, bond loan, etc.)
  • Creation of monitoring and management analysis tools
  • Administrative and financial management
  • Accounting balance sheet and result support